Download thrilling Farm Frenzy 3 game right now absolutely for free and become the best president of the farmers' union. You've never expected you can do this without even much effort. You’ll also be able to unlock a number of different locations all over the world. Apart from these creatures you'll get acquainted with 28 other animals and learn how to make 33 various products. Farming game is a free strategy game where you will have the opportunity to start your own farm, raise animals, and sell products that you’ve harvested. Farm Frenzy 3 will teach how to collect feathers from ostriches and breed penguins. Moreover, you can sell these nasty creatures to the local market (or may be a zoo?) and get profit from your wise management. Now they are imprisoned in the firm cage and can do no harm to your farm.

From chickens to cows, you'll be responsible for caring for a variety of animals, all while trying to turn a profit. Why do you need cages? Well, greedy lions appear from the blue to frighten your poultry and animals – don't hesitate and click on them several times. PLAY NOW Rating: 4.1 ( 232 Votes) Farm Frenzy 2 Farm Frenzy 2 is an addictive clicker game that throws you right into the hustle and bustle of running a farm. If your time will be even better you acquire additional bonus points and can upgrade your well, truck and cage. Follow the helpful instructions during the first levels to learn the basics of the game and finish each level with the golden cup. Scarlett is eager to help and you can try your hand at collecting, breeding and manufacturing goods in 5 different countries in the stunning Farm Frenzy 3 game. Your mission is to take control of your parcel of land and prove yourself as a true farmer by growing your crops successfully and raising animals. So it's not by chance when one of her friends has problems because of the disastrous hurricane he calls the young girl and asks for support. Farm Frenzy transports you to an immersive rural landscape filled with animals, crops, and more and challenges you to run your own successful farming enterprise. Scarlett has been so successful in the field of farming that her fame quickly spreads around the world.